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Unplugged internet, plugged back in, now no internet

Level 2

Hi Community

Huawei modem, wireless router, working perfectly, unplugged it in order to re-arrange new working from home set-up, plug it back in and internet. no light on the router to say that internet is even cconnected. Try two other routers and the power light comes on the WLAN light comes on in all circumstances, but no internet light...just no interne. Tried different cables, went into the router settings, etc. Any one got any ideas. Or having a silimalr issue?






Can you check that your TPG userid and password are correct in the Huawei wifi router.

On the Huawei router, is the WAN light on? (Indicates connection to NBN)

Could you upload a photo of the NBN connection box (if you have one) cabled to the wifi router?

Level 2

Hi dave64


Thanks for replying, trust you and your family are healthy....

There are a series of lights on my modem (wifi router)


Power - on

WAN - off

Internet - off

WLAN - on

VoiP - off

LAN1-LAN4 - off

USB - off

I have looked inside admin for router however pw and user id seem to check out.... I am not connected to NBN and have no access to tech beyond the wifi router.The error message I receive inside wifi router is Cable Error [8180]. I have tried mutiple cables. Possibly a damaged wall jack though forums reveal 8180 a common error message that spontaneously occurs







Do you have another phone outlet to try? Or a landline phone service to check dial tone?

If you have an old style wall socket, you could take the front cover off and check the 2 wires are properly connected to the terminals. Removing the plug may have dislodged them.

Checking with other routers and having the WAN light off might indicate a broken line.

Does the cable error message appear in the log as part of the power up sequence rather than some time later?

Level 2

Hi david64


I have tried the second phone line, no joy. I cleaned out the wall socket. Now the lights are...







I don't have anything to check the line, I will l;ook for the log, I guess that is in the admin for the wifi router.






In your previous post, you said WAN was on and WLAN flashing, which was the opposite from earlier on.

If it's the WAN light that is on, that's a bit better.


What model router is it?


Since you have only the router, check that the cable from wall socket goes to the proper connector on the router; probably labelled DSL.

Level 2

HI David


I can't quite believe this...having cleaned the port, opened the modem (voiding warranty in process coz of that silly sticker), cleaned that, changed 5 cables...and then being asked to log in when I went into the wifi router url, I received an internet light...browser still could not find anything, so recycled the Huawei HG659 and suddenly I have internet...and I have no idea what that might have been, it could well have been the log in request that set it all off, but I have learnt something of trouble-shooting at least...thanks so much for your time, stay happy, healthy and distant...


