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Can't log into mobile account

Level 2

The link in your account page under "Looking for your other services?" is broken and I cannot log into my mobile plan account page.


I have tried with my TPG username (which takes me to the page to manage my internet). I have tried with my mobile number, but it says my password is wrong. I have tried resetting my password for my mobile number, and when I follow the link I recieve it says that "Cannot reset password [mobile number] with this link b7e705f12ed849248b466dd4e9cb37bd".


This is truely a terrible system. Why separate internet and mobile account information in the first place, unless you actually don't control my mobile plan, but are just onselling someone else's to me???


For information (as I'm sure you get told all the time), this happens to me whenever I try to log in (which isn't often). There is always something that makes it impossible to do basic account management...

My Signature

We want to make sure you can log into and manage your mobile account, @mattat01.


Send me a PM and we'll find out what's happening.