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Cancel my TPG account

Level 2


I currently have TPG NBN via FTTP.

I saw that the prices would of NBN would be increasing by $5 a month and decided i wanted to cancel my account.


I email who said that i would need to call someone to cancel my account.

When i called up this morning the opertator said that I didnt need to call up and cancel as once i select my new provider, they will take over my NBN line and cancel my account with TPG. From my understanding, having FTTP i can have multiple NBN connections at my house at the same time.


She also said as im leaving due to a price increase i didnt need to provide the 30 days notice which i was providing.


Can anyone vertify this as i dont want to be stuck with a TPG account still charing my and having a new providier 


Hi @Woofie


Upon checking, the cancellation of your service is in progress. An email notification from our Cancel team was sent indicating the date of the cancellation.


If it's not available in your inbox, kindly check your spam/junk folder. 


