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I wish to cancel the NBN account for 'kenwildrivo', which was half-installed today (17/07/20). I say half installed, because after many hours talking to 'support' trying to explain that they did NOT DELIVER THE MODEM TO THE RIVERTON ADDRESS, they still don't get it. I cannot and will not pay for a service that I cannot use. The installation is not 'fit for service' so I will not pay any partial or full exit fees, as suggested by your Accounts page. Your service absolutely stinks. If your company extracts money for this, know that I fully intend to take this matter as far as I possibly can.
I have sent you a private message, please check your message box
Hi @kengdwildrivo ,
We'd like to inform you that we have requested to send a new modem to your Riverton address and have the $10 shipping fee waived as the modem that we initially sent to you has been lost in transit. We're very sorry for the inconvenience that it has caused you and please let us make it up to you. We can assess your account for billing adjustment the moment you receive the modem and proven that the service is working fine.
We'll be in touch again to confirm that the modem has been sent out for delivery.
Hi @kengdwildrivo ,
Can you please PM to us your modem MAC address or serial number for your account in Nannup, WA?