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Cancellation and refund

Level 2

In September 2021, I filled out a account transfer form to a new customer living at the same address looking to continue the account. What happened was instead of transfering the account, TPG created a new account for the customer. Since that time, both the new customer and I have been paying internet fees to the same address with TPG (double charging). When I queried this last week, the operator mentioned it takes 48 hours for TPG to cancel the service (although they were meant to cancel it last September when they started the new account for the new customer) and refund internet charges (approx 10 months worth). Almost 1 week later, I have not had a resolution from TPG. I am still a customer of TPG on another account (considering leaving TPG now because of this although been a customer for over 10 years). How much longer am I meant to wait???

Customer ID 6194933


Hi @terenceyxt


Recent update on your account showed that a cancellations officer is monitoring your case and is awaiting update from another team regarding the refund. 


We'll also monitor it and get in touch with you  as soon as new info is available. 




Level 2

How long does this take as it has been almost a week? I have received no feedback in that time except someone is looking at it. 

Level 2

this still has not been resolved and I have not heard any additional feedback. TPG had no problems taking my money and another customer's money for the same address but is dragging this case out. Can you please advise?


@terenceyxt Your dispute about the refund is being assessed further. The assigned accounts specialists will be contacting you soon via call and/or email to provide updates.