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Cancellation and refund

Level 2

Dear Sir/Madam




I had called TPG on the 26 th September to end my broadband connection asap. the advisor said she will end the connection on 31st September, which is the last billing day. she also told me i will get email from them about returning the modem and refund. 


it is 3rd of October today; I found the broadband connection is still connected and I still haven't gotten email about the cancellation. on top of that TPG had had charged me $49.99 on 25th September for the usage 1 October to 31st October. I was told I will get a refund but nothing has had happen yet. I just hope I don't get charged for the 1-month broadband internet that I didn't use. Can you check and let me know what date will I likely get responses?






Tzu-Pu Huang


Hi @maxyellow44 


We'd like to check the status of your request.

Please send us a private message with your account details.



Level 2




Yesterday i called and the advisor said i will get my refund in 5 business days and the internet will be cut off at the end of October. i didn't get any confirmation or email.. if it is possible, can i get an email regarding i will get the refund.


so sorry i had to ask this, because my first two calls to TPG to cancel my broadband before on 26 September. the two advisor told me they will cancel my broadband internet on 1st October and get refund for the $49.99 i suppose i will use for 1st October to 31st October. two of them lied to me. i didn't get the refund and i didn't get the internet cut off. this is why i lost trust issue with staffs in TPG and i prefer to see proofs.









Hi @maxyellow44 


We've edited your post as it contains your details.

Please avoid posting any personal or account information on a public thread for security.


Please send us a private message with your details to check on this further.



Level 2

Dear BasilDV


Yesterday i called and the advisor said i will get my refund in 5 business days and the internet will be cut off at the end of October. i didn't get any confirmation or email.. if it is possible, can i get an email regarding i will get the refund.


so sorry i had to ask this, because my first two calls to TPG to cancel my broadband before on 26 September. the two advisor told me they will cancel my broadband internet on 1st October and get refund for the $49.99 i suppose i will use for 1st October to 31st October. two of them lied to me. i didn't get the refund and i didn't get the internet cut off. this is why i lost trust issue with staffs in TPG and i prefer to see proofs.


Hi @maxyellow44 


The account is set to be cancelled on the 31st October 2023 and the refund will commence once it is done.


You'll be notified by our team for further updates.

