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Home internet not activated for 6 days

Level 2
As per attached picture for the private message received, I did not receive the call from you between 10am - 12 pm today. 
The activation becomes very frustrating now due to the following reasons. 
1. The Internet fails to activate as per the explanation provided by staff members: The staff advised me via call on 29/08/2023 that the internet will get activated once we plug into the modem. This is not working and does not get fixed even after we made numerous calls since last Thursday.  
2.  Customer service is inefficient : Instead of giving me a reference number, I have to explain the situation every time when I call. No one has managed to find the solution for me in those calls. I have made calls on 2 September, 3 September, and waited for nearly 1 hour for each of the call and was transferred to more three different departments. They all promised to get back to me within 24 hours, but I received no reply at all.
3. Plan transition is poorly executed: our original TPG plan has been cancelled before the new plan is activated. This is very inconvenient for us. 
Could you please advise whether the internet can be activated by COB today? If not, we will have to find another internet service provider as we are using our own mobile data at the moment, and escalate the compliant.