
Level 2
Hi, we are now on day 3 of scheduled maintenance and I understand that it must be done but this is the 3rd day!. This is costing me a lot on my mobile data through Optus because I can’t use my nbn through tpg due to this scheduled maintenance. How many more days is this going to continue for and will there be a discount on my next bill due to the fact that the maintenance Is going on 3 days and it’s costing me more on my phone internet!. I have had to top up 6 times already using my phone internet and it’s $10 every time I top up!, money I wouldn’t have to spend, money I don’t have and all because maintenance is taking so long to be completed. I’m paying for something I can’t use so I would like a discount on my next bill please. I refuse to pay the last 3 days worth of my nbn plan due to the hours lost over the last 3 days due to these scheduled maintenance as well as it costing me more by having to top up my phone internet as I have no choice because the service I’m paying for to save me this money (tpg nbn) is being switched off for several hours a day for 3 days so far. I’m not happy and the longer it goes on the more it’s costing me. The maintenance system in place needs to be viewed and spoken about to see what other ways there is to fulfill the maintenance needed in a shorter time to not have customers paying out money On top
Of the service we can’t use (NBN) while this is happening just to be able to access the internet while this slow draining maintenance is being done. Charing myself and others for it when we can’t use it due to a very slow system isn’t right and I hope that you are willing to give me/customers and a discount for these delays.

Thank you.
Not applicable

Hi @OutlawsMc,


Welcome to the community!


TPG relies on the NBN Co’s infrastructure to deliver our NBN services. These infrastructures are not fault free and on occasion, may be affected by unplanned outages which can subsequently affect the NBN service we deliver to you.

We've created an article that will guide you on How to Check for NBN network outage.

If your address is not affected by an outage, we've created an online guide on how to troubleshoot your NBN internet connection. You may visit the article below.


Troubleshooting no internet connection




Level 3

I have the same problem.  I am getting frustrated with the many maintenance work in my area which is affecting work and my son's education since we need to be online.  I have had meeting cut short due to wifi not working and have used up all my data today because of maintenance again.  

It would have been great if TPG would top up my data since they are under taking their maintenance during working and school hours.

Getting beyond a joke now.