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Microsoft Outlook not sending email (Windows 11)

Level 2

Hi there,


My outlook account will receive emails, but I cannot send emails via outlook using Windows 11. There is no error messages it just wont send.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Office 2019.

I have verified that the correct Ports are bewing used.

I have called Support twice already and not had anyone get back to me with a resolution.

I have been with TPG for a long time (at least 5 years, maybe longer) and been very happy with the service, however as I am now working from home I need to be able to send emails from my computer.

At first the issue was it happened when i tried to send emails with attachments, now it is more frequent.


Please help me resolve this issue quickly or I will have to try another provider, which i do not want to do.




Hi @spencers2012 . Has Outlook been working with Win11 and Office 2019 before and has just now had this problem, or has this combination of software never worked?

What settings do you have for the sending side of Outlook (server name, port, security)?

You could try using Outlook logging. There are Microsoft articles to start and stop logging, and the location of the logging files. The SMTP logging file might be most useful here, but other files might be relevant if there is a problem with attachments.

Level 2


Thank you for your repsonse.

In response to your questions:

1. Prior to this new computer i was using Windows 10 and Office 2019.

2. Ouytlopok Settings are (, Port 25, Encryption method None)

Whjen trying to repairI get the message (The connection to the outgoing server (SMTP) server was dropped. Please check the outgoing (SMTP) server settings and try again.




@spencers2012 . Can you change port 25 to its alternate, 587.

If still no good, consider Outlook logging function.

Level 2

David 64

Changing Port to 587 did not work.

Tried enabling the Logging bu that didnt work either.

To say I am very frustrated is an understatement





@spencers2012 . Does the SMTP connection have your username and password configured?


With logging, you have to activate it, close Outlook, start it, then send an email, then turn logging off. The various logging files are text files, so you could copy and paste the file into here.


You can use the telnet command to send an email manually. There might be a better error message.


Start at Step 3. You change some of the names for your situation. Mail server, sender, recipient.


Send an email to detailing the problem. There might be info at the mail server end.



Level 2

Here is the error message I get everytime I try to send an email.

As I type this a test email with attachment has finally gone.  Wy is there a delay in when the sever will accept the email and send it 
Task ' (1) - Sending' reported error (0x800CCC0F) : 'The connection to the server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'

