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Non existent service

Level 2
I have spoken with TPG approx 20 times since 30/03, and today marks 20/07. Each time I do so I receive the same promises of "escalation" and a call back from the appropriate team. That call back has not happened, despite receiving text messages suggesting TPG has attempted to contact me. My phone records confirm the supposed calls have not happened. Your service is disgusting and I will make sure that this is known by posting reviews that include applicable evidence to verify the claims made. Your staff are incompetent and do not care, concerns are dismissed and promises made that are false. You lie to your customers continuously and blatantly. TPG should be ashamed.
Community Manager

Hi @andrewackerly,


Send me a DM and we'll check out what's happened so far.


How do I private message (PM) in the community - TPG Community