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Please cancel my account

Level 2

Hello, I would like to cancel my TPG ADSL2+ connection as I have now signed up and connected to NBN with another provider.


I was talking to someone on online chat who was going to transfer me 90mins ago and has now dissapeared?!?!?

Level 2

I am also trying to cancel my account, I have tried three times today through online chat, on each occasion being advised that an account specialist would join... that's where it ends, and we are being left waiting..


This is ridiculous

Level 2

I tried 3 chat sessions today. first you had to wait 30 mins for someone to get to you, then they took 10 mins to respond to every question you asked. then they asked you for your username about 3 times. Finally transferred you to a blackhole where their account specialists live. WHAT A JOKE

Level 3
I've tried many times over the past week, including notifying them here, and have not been able to reach anyone via calls, emails, live chat and here in the community's so crazy!

I have not even been able to start the service with them so have returned the modem by mail today.