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Requsting for refund and stop charging me immediately

Level 2

Dear service desk,


I hope you're doing well, it is with some regret that I am giving this feedback, I have previously emailed your company to request the termination of my broadband service, but ultimately nothing has been heard from you, and even though I have been off your service since April 2024, I am still having to pay the monthly bills that you send out to me, which is ridiculous, and I hope to see a fair response here, thank you.
The following is the record of my past communication with your customer service via e-mail for reference.


Customer ID: 1196642514


Dear TPG Customer Service team


I hope this message finds you well.


I am writing to urgently inquire about the status of my broadband account cancellation. My next billing cycle is imminent, and I am eagerly awaiting confirmation of the cancellation to avoid any additional charges.


I have already completed the identity verification process as per the instructions provided in your link. However, I have yet to receive any communication regarding the progress or confirmation of my account cancellation.


Given the urgency of the situation, I would greatly appreciate an immediate update on the status of my cancellation request. Ensuring this matter is resolved before the next billing date is of utmost importance to me.


Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to your swift response.


Best regards,



Customer ID: 1196642514


Dear TPG Customer Service team,


I hope this message finds you well.


I am writing to urgently inquire about the status of my broadband account cancellation. My next billing cycle is imminent, and I am eagerly awaiting confirmation of the cancellation to avoid any additional charges.


I have already completed the identity verification process as per the instructions provided in your link. However, I have yet to receive any communication regarding the progress or confirmation of my account cancellation.


Given the urgency of the situation, I would greatly appreciate an immediate update on the status of my cancellation request. Ensuring this matter is resolved before the next billing date is of utmost importance to me.


Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to your swift response.


Best regards,



Customer ID: 1196642514



From: Cancel <>
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2024 at 2:09 pm
To: zhao maple <>
Subject: Re: Cancel my broadband service

Dear Feng zhao,

Thank you for your patience.

One of our Account Specialists tried to contact you over the phone, but failed to reach you.

Alternatively, for security purposes and to proceed with the formal termination of your TPG service, we will require you to fill out the form at:

Once submitted, we will be in contact with you within the next 2 business days via text or via your nominated email address.

Please be reminded that your account will remain active until we received your confirmation or course of action.

This means that the account will remain active and charges will continue until we receive the required documents to proceed with the cancellation.

Please advise if there is anything else that we can be of further assistance.

Kind regards,

Rose | ADSL Cancellation | UserID: 11339
T 13 14 23 | F 02 9850 0813

Email Queue: ADSL Cancellation
TPG Telecom (ASX: TPG)


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-------- Original Message --------


Re: Cancel my broadband service


2024-04-20 16:46:06


zhao maple <>


Customer Service <>


Dear Customer Service Representative$B!$(B


I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request that any updates or communications regarding my ongoing requests, particularly the cancellation of my broadband service, be primarily conducted through email.


Given that English is not my first language, I find it more convenient and clear to communicate in writing. Should there be an urgent need to contact me, you can also reach me at my phone number: 0415805637 via text message.


Please let me know if you need any more details to proceed with my request. I appreciate your cooperation and look forward to your confirmation email regarding the cancellation.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Best regards,


Feng zhao



From: Customer Service <>
Date: Saturday, 20 April 2024 at 10:24 am
To: zhao maple <>
Subject: Re: Cancel my broadband service

Dear Feng,

Thank you for your email.

We are sorry to learn that you wish to cancel your TPG service.

We have passed on your request to an Accounts Specialist who will be in touch with you within 24 hours to finalise
your request.

You may reply to this email with your preferred contact number and time for us to contact you. Alternatively, you
may contact your Accounts Specialist directly at 02 9850 0959.

Currently, no changes have been made on your account and it remains active until further correspondence.

Please let me know if I can assist you further.

Kind regards,

Michael | Customer Service | UserID: 14886
T 13 14 23 | F 02 9850 0813

Email Queue: Customer Service
TPG Telecom (ASX: TPG)

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Community Manager

Hi @hellomorton,


We'll follow up on this for you and make sure everything gets sorted ASAP. Are you able to send me a private message?

Level 2

I'm really excited to receive your reply, I hope my problem can be solved as soon as possible, as a foreigner who doesn't speak good English, I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you!

Community Manager

That's all good, we'll make sure everything goes smoothly for you. Send us that private message whenever you get a moment.