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TPG promised a refund within 5 business days and I did not get it, my emails are ignored

Level 2

I cancelled my service on 7 May by phone call and was told I will get a refund within 5 days. I did not get it. I called up on 16 May and was again told I will get a refund within 5 days. This time they sent an email with the promise. 5 days later, no refund again. I emailed TPG on 21 and 22 May asking about the refund, and was ignored. Why is TPG ignoring promises to refund? I tried to send a private message to a moderator here to get their help, but there is no button to send them a private message. Nothing works. I am very frustrated.


Can a moderator please LOOK UP MY USERNAME and REPLY TO MY EMAILS. No need for a private message, all my details are in my username. Shame on TPG for being so difficult.

Level 2

I suggest TPG do the refund now, why avoid doing it when I will complain to TIO and cost TPG more money if they do not refund as promised.


Hi @mi512627, we're keen to help you with that refund and monitor your account until you see that in your bank. 


We've set a requirement where a new member must reach Level 2 to be able to send a private message. To reach this level, you just need to post or comment on a thread.


Having that said, you can now send us a private message. Let's have your account details and get the ball rolling. 

Level 2

Aubrey. I sent you a private message yesterday, which you have ignored for over 24 hours. Why ask me to private message you when you will not reply? Must I really communicate everything in a public forum, in order to receive a reply?


In my private message, I told you that TPG has cancelled my service yesterday after your post, but HAS NOT REFUNDED OR CREDITED ME ANYTHING. I spoke to a TPG staff before who said I should get notification of a refund or credit, before any money is returned to me, and I got no such notification yesterday or today. Why is TPG cancelling my service without any refund or credit, like I asked for?


You said you were "keen to help with that refund", how about you do what you say. If I am ignored again and do not get any communication about my refund within 24 hours from now, I will be complaining to the TIO. I cannot believe TPG is so bad.