300 ping to melbourne

Level 2

I have the same problem since we went FTTP with TPG.  

Level 2

I churned mate. I don't have FTTP, but I do have HFC NBN. It's fixed. You can see my traceroute on my thread.


Level 2

The result of the PM was that I would be called after 7PM this Friday just gone to diagnose the issues during the high ping time.


Well, nobody **ing called, so you guys are done now, one incompetent jerk around after another

Level 2

@Tony-M same problem here, living in Melbourne, very bad ping during peak hours. its fine during the day. I've noticed this just a few weeks ago but didn't mind it at first but it consistently got bad. I've also just upgraded to NBN50 FTTP from FTTN last November. Ping is > 200ms and speed slows down to less than 10mbps on ethernet. Remote desktop in the evening to my work pc which is just 30km away is barely usable. I'm just compiling some speedtest stats in the next couple of days before creating a new thread. 

Level 2
Level 2

Issues still persisting, they stopped for a week and now the high ping is back, useless isp