ADSL+2 Slow Speed

Level 2

Internet speeds for ADSL+2 have gradually been getting slower and slower to the point now where I have troubles watching youtube videos at 1080p like I used to a year ago. Download speeds would been more then 2mb/s and upload speeds where good too. However, now I'm lucky it hit 400kb/s and uploads are non-existent as the TPG speed test throw back a socket error. I had issues with my internet being completely cut for over a week and I had no internet at all, but now I'm getting really frustrated. I've called a number of times to work out the line speed and attenuation, but they always come back saying its okay, well I live 1.4kms from the exchange according to TPG maps and I should be getting alot faster then this as what i'm getting now is not worth it.. Please help.



Not applicable

Hi @steeleamina.

Welcome to the Community!

We have checked the status of your connection and we are detecting a possible line fault causing the speed issue.

That being said, we have arranged a specialist to contact you on the mobile number we have on file for assistance.

If you have a preferred contact number and available time to receive a call, please send it via private message. Thank you.

Not applicable

Hi @steeleamina, we can see that the issue was escalated to our Engineering Team and was lodged to Telstra. Telstra Technician came out today and was able to fix the line outside.


The case engineer tried to contact you to confirm if the service is working, but to no avail.


If you are still having issues, please let us know so we can investigate further.



Level 2



So our internet is now sitting at 13Mbps up from 2.5Mbps, however, it still isn't as fast as it has been 19+.


I confirmed an appointment with Telstra, as they wanted to send out a technician. I confirmed it and they replied that the guy would be out between 8 am and 12 pm today (17/5/19). Unfortunately, the guy came at 11:40 am and I wasn't able to hang around to wait for him to finish as I had to go to work. So he did not get access to our internet inside of our apartment as they requested. 


Did you guys receive any feedback from Telstra?


Also, they tried to call me a number of times, but all I got was a missed call msg, it did not ring at all as I had possession of my phone all day. Not sure what's up with that. 




Hi @steeleamina,


We've received the report from the Telstra technician and were advised that the issue within the copper line is already resolved.


The sync speed seems passing, but to check this further, I'll arrange a call from our Engineering team.


May we know your preferred time to receive a call?


Kind regards,



Hi @steeleamina,


Our Engineering team tried to contact you yesterday to no avail.


You may reply to their SMS or provide us your preferred time for them to try again.


Kind regards,
