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ADSL connection ridiculously slow

Level 2

Has been at about 2mps download and 0 upload for a xouple of weeks.

Tech coming on thursday to connect nbn but not sure it's worth it if internet is as is

Level 2

My details:

ADSL2+ Unlimited 24x7 with Home Phone 20110711

ID: xxxxxxx
Not applicable

Hi @natasha999,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We have located the account using your community details and we can see that the issue has been escalated to our Engineering Team.


The team is closely monitoring this and the case engineer will be in touch via SMS or a phone call for further updates.


Hi @natasha999,


This case has been raised to Telstra for repair. Please refer to the SMS that was sent pertaining to the Technician visit. Further updates will be provided directly through SMS or phone call by one of our Engineers.




Level 2
I have no internet at all now so that's awesome. I'm supposed to have nbn installed tomorrow morning but not sure it's going to be worth it. I'm probably better off canceling

Hi @natasha999


I'm sorry to hear about the service disruption. From what I can tell, a Telstra technician is working on your line to address the speed issue you've raised.


As for the NBN, it will be utilizing HFC technology so it won't be using the copper line that ADSL uses.


I hope you can bear with us further. Our Engineering Team will reach out to you once the report from the Telstra tech is available.




Level 2
Can you advise exactly what is required for the nbn? I've had to send the techs away because they wanted to drill holes in walls and install new power points. It clearly states on your fact sheet that "The technicians are not required to install any further equipment" beyond a new modem
Not applicable

Hi @natasha999, your address is classified by NBN Co. as Service Class 22, which means that it is NBN Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) serviceable, the line outside is okay, but there are no interal tier cables or coaxial wall plate.


We have received an update from the technician and it shows here that drilling needs to be done on the wall to run the internal cables, but it appears that it requires your Landlord permission.


It would be best that you coordinate with your Landlord so we can get your NBN service connected as early as possible.