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BNB frequent dropouts and extremely slow speed

Level 2

I had problem with the installation service.   Despite I had reported it to the helpdesk, I have been waiting for over 4 days without being able to speak to any TPG representatives. There have been back and forth email (suggesting someone would call within 24 hours), but there has been no progress.   I even call the hotline 131423 multiple times and waited for over 60 min, but there was no answer for 3 consecutive days.   My ticket number is 58674485.  

In addition the connection has been unstable and internet speed is extremely low, even at 2am.  I need help desperately.  

Not applicable

Hi @ckwong35,


We are sorry to know about what happened and we'd like to help get to the bottom of this.


We have located the account using your community details and we can see that your concern has been raised to our Technical Team.


We'll make a follow up and will make sure that you'll be contacted by one of our senior technical specialists.


Please PM us your best contact number and most convenient time to receive a call.


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community