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Cacellation before installation

Level 2


I've already emailed cancellation request, however I couldn't get any response yet. 


Your customer service team advised me they will contact me within 24 hours, however, didn't happen as expected. 


To make a long stroy short, I would like to get my pre -installation fee and cancel my account ASAP due to your poor service and unabled NBN installation at my new place. 




Not applicable

Hi @pobi1010 ,


Welcome to the community!


We're sad to know that you're considering to cancel the service due to provisioning issue affecting the installation of your NBN service.  We're able to locate the account using your community details, we'll chase this with our Provisioning Case Manager and arrange them to contact you. Please PM us your best contact number and preferred time tomorrow.


In case you need a reference:


How do I private message (PM) in the community 



Not applicable

Hi @pobi1010, thanks for sending the details via PM. We have coordinated your concern to our Accounts Team and you'll receive further updates via email regarding the status of your request.


Let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Not applicable

Hi @pobi1010,


Further updates will be provided by one of our Account Specialists via SMS or Phone call.


Let us know should you require further assistance. Cheers!