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Call Of Duty Warzone - Ping Spikes

Level 2
Hi All,

I’ve been having some unusual issues during Call Of Duty Warzone playing battle royal, resurgence modes. I have a consistent ping of 5/7ms when playing, but constantly getting ping/lag spikes going from 5/7ms up to 63/75ms and staying there for about 30 seconds until it resolves itself. At first, I thought it was just me, until my friend from QLD who is also with TPG was having the exact same issue at the same time. Another 3 friends who are not with TPG do not experience this issue.
Also, as this is happening in real time I’ve also asked in game when the issue happens and have confirmed multiple people on TPG get this issue.
I’m not sure how to continue troubleshooting.
I’m connected via LAN, I am on 500/40 plan.
Have no issues with other games or services.

Thanks in advance

Hey @sdeemedia,


We'll get to the bottom of this. Can you send me a DM?


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