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Can no longer send group emails

Level 3

I have a group email that I use at least twice a month, yesterday when I tried to send my group email. It came back with an error message. This is the first time this has happened. Any help would be appreciated.





Hi @Molly . What error message do you get? Are you using Post Office (webmail) or email client? How many in the group?

Level 3

The size of the messaage you are trying to send exceeds a temporary size limit of the server. Approximately 30. I have been able to send these emails previously. This is the first month I haven't been able to.


Level 3

I am using Thunderbird


@Molly . Are there any numerical error codes?

What sort of stuff are you sending? Just text or attachments? There is a size limit on emails - approx 20MB.


@Molly . Regarding size, you could try sending the email to yourself and see if it gets to your Inbox.

You could also try using Post Office (webmail).

Level 3



This is the message I get

The size of the message you are trying to send exceeds a temporary size limit of the server. The message was not sent; try to reduce the message size or wait some time and try again. The server responded: 4.5.3 [TPG-R02] Too many recipients.


@Molly . At this time, I can only suggest splitting the list of recipients. Try sending to 5, then the next 10, then the rest. Or even doing it over a few days. The mail server may need to get used to you doing this. (This was put forward as a solution to this error in Outlook.)

TPG will ask if you have tried using Post Office, so you might try this next. 

Otherwise, you could send an email to explaining the problem. Include the full error message and that it is a group email and using Thunderbird and either no or a small attachment.