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Cancel nbn plan keeping email account

Level 2

Having moved from greater Sydney to the far north coast our NBN has consistently underperformed. About six months ago I joined Telstra NBN/4G internet but have been paying for TPG as well until my contract is up.

Now that the contract is finished I would like to cancel my TPG internet account but maintain the email accounts that I have used since 2005 as they are user identification for many on-line services.

I am currently paying double for Telstra and TPG NBN access, I do not want the NBN disconnected when my TPG account is ended, but I need to maintain the email addresses that I currently use. I think the $27.50 email account will suit me, but, once again, I do not want to lose current TPG email addresses.

Not applicable

Hi @Mraxolotyl , we are sorry to know that you'd like to cancel your TPG Internet service. Please send us a private message with your TPG customer ID, username and complete address so we can pull up the account and help with your concern.


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community