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Cancellation notice period

Level 2

Hi Team,


My customer number is xxxxxxx, I got a  question about the NBN cancellation. I applied for the cancellation on Oct 22 and the cancellation date is Nov 11, so the notice period is 1 month and I was charged for the cost for service of a 30 day notice period. My question is after the cancellation date of Nov 11, do I still able to use the TPG NBN till the end of the notice period which is Nov 22 if I understand correctly.

Not applicable

Hi @shangfeicao ,


Welcome to the community!


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The service will be cancelled and no longer be usable on the chosen date (November 11) but if you wish to maximze the 30 days notice period you can request to extend the cancellation date until the end of the paid billing cycle (November 22).


Let me know should you require further assistance.




@shangfeicao wrote:

Hi Team,


My customer number is xxxxxxx, I got a  question about the NBN cancellation. I applied for the cancellation on Oct 22 and the cancellation date is Nov 11, so the notice period is 1 month and I was charged for the cost for service of a 30 day notice period. My question is after the cancellation date of Nov 11, do I still able to use the TPG NBN till the end of the notice period which is Nov 22 if I understand correctly.


Level 2

Could you proceed with it? I called customer service earlier for that, the operator said she'd look into it and call me back but I didn't receive any call.


We have since informed our Cancellations Team regarding your request, @shangfeicao


Please await for their email confirmation. 


Feel free to reach out to us again should you require further assistance. 


