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Cannot Send Email Rejected by the Server/Banned from using SMTP

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Level 2
I am unable to reply to emails whether in my email app or in TPG post office. My son in law reset my password as per instructions found here. He also checked for melware and I am still unable to send emails due to the error message in this thread. Nor has anyone contacted us for 3 days. Anyone we've spoken to can't escalte or put us directly through to someone who can help and still 3 days - THREE DAYS! later nobody has called. They also took my son in laws mobilw to call him so he can arrange ti be here for me.
Not applicable

Hi @koulamou,


Thanks for the additional details. We'd like to confirm if you're able to log-in to our post office. Please expect one of our Technicians to contact you tomorrow between 10-12NN AEST to provide updates related to this issue.



Level 2
Yes, am able to log into post-office.
Not applicable

Hi @koulamou,


We're able to confirm that the restriction has been lifted please confirm if you're still having issues with the email and should you require further assistance.



Level 2
Yes! It's working, thank you! What a relief. 👍
Not applicable

We're glad to know that! Smiley Happy



Yes! It's working, thank you! What a relief. 👍
Level 3

I have this problem also. I cannot send emails from one of my email addresses because of the "User is banned from using SMTP AUTH due to previous abuse" error. The email address in question,, is one of my slave email accounts (I have substituted "###" for my slave account username).

TPG's instructions (here) are to change the account password online at, however it is not clear which account password has to be changed in the case where a slave email account is the one being blocked.

In my case, I logged into My Account using my slave account username and password and changed the password there. But, even I after many days, I am still unable to send email from the slave email account.

I have also logged into the Post Office with the Username and Password of the slave email account and changed the password there. But I am still unable to send email from the slave account.

Account settings and test email results are attached.


Not applicable

Hi @lampet , please send us a private message with your TPG customer ID, username and complete address. Please also include the email address you're having issues with.


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community

Level 2

I have changed the password, I still can't send out emails.

Not applicable

Thanks for getting back to us, @timelord. Please send us a private message with your TPG customer ID, username and complete address so we can pull up the account.


Please also include the email address you're having issue with.


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community