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Email addresses not recognised

Level 2


Has your email been working for some time and has suddenly stopped working? Yes


What mail client do you use on your computer?.... ?? TPG Post Office

On the iPad, is it Apple Mail?  Yes

Does the error message show up as you type in the address or only when you press Send? Only when press send

When using Post Office, does the email move to the Sent folder? No goes to Draft

does the error message appear over the email you are trying to send? Yes

No to all other qns.




@shume . TPG Post Office is not a mail client. It is "webmail" which is accessed by your browser. It already uses SSL/TLS.

In Post Office, Settings, can  you check that Account Name is correct (it can't be changed). And From Address is correct. In most cases, both are the same value.

You say error happens when using Contacts.

Does it happen if you Reply to an email?

Does it happen when you try to send to an email address which isn't a reply or contact?


You can send an email to detailing your problem. You'll need someone else to send it for you or use another mail system (gmail, hotmail). 

Provide an exact date/time of occurrence, your email address, address you're trying to send to.

Include a screenshot showing the error message with the email you're trying to send.


The Mail app on iPad might be a victim of the problem with Post Office.


Level 2

Thanks everyone for your help. I phoned tpg and got it sorted, although still doesn't work from my iPad. 

Not applicable

Glad to know that the email issue has been resolved with the help of our Helpdesk, feel free to create new thread for furture inquiries. 



Thanks everyone for your help. I phoned tpg and got it sorted, although still doesn't work from my iPad.