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Emails missing/delayed

Level 2

In the last few days I've noticed a number of my incoming emails are either not arriving in my Inbox or arriving some time later.
I have had this occasionally in the past for one or two but this time it's ten emails that I know of and most probably more.
The arrival delays have been 30hrs, 16hrs, 27hrs and 21hrs. Where have they been all this time?
I have checked spam/junk on my email client. Also logged in directly to webmail on my browser to do the same check.
I have a friend also on TPG who has had exactly the same delay on the same email (separate email sent at around the same time, not a group email). This would seem to indicate a system problem.
What is going on?


Hi @robertd271


Were you able to successfully transfer your email to TMC? If yes, we recommend that you reach out directly to TMC here:



Level 2

Thank you -Ahra_G,

I don't know if I have been successfully transferred to TMC.
All I have received is an email from TMC confirming I have been registered and I will be advised before and after the transfer occurs. That's it!
So as far as I know I haven't yet been transferred, therefore I am still with TPG.
Over to you.


@Ahra_G . I have same problem. I am not getting some emails, or some are delayed by even 3 days (72 hours). It has started since the big outage around 21st Sep, when you removed support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1.

I had to switch to another mail client (Thunderbird), and that has brought to light this problem. 


In all my Windows Live Mail database, there is just a few mail items with the following:

Received: from (HELO mqr.i-0fcf51a769666ee23) ([])

After this in the time line of the mail item, it passes through some more TPG servers before reaching my Inbox.

I suspect this is the mechanism being used in the transfer to TMC.


At the moment, some emails are coming through with no delay, eg. Community, but others have delays of minutes or hours or even days. 


I registered with TMC before the cut-off. I was told I would be transferred mid October. But, I shouldn't have to figure out myself whether I have been transferred. I should be notified when I am transferred. 

Just good business practice!

If this is the quality of service that will be provided by TMC, I will be looking for a more reliable service.

