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Emails not received

Level 2

I have not received emails from my insurance provider (RACV) for 2 different insurance policies sent approximately 4 days apart. I received 1 renewal via mail today, together with a letter stating that they were unsuccessful in delivering the documents via email and to confirm my email address. I checked both PC and Webmail junk folders etc and nothing has been received. I confirmed that the email address was correct with their Customer Service Officer who also sent a test email (with attachment) to see if it was received.  It arrived within seconds of being sent however I presume it would be sent from a different system to that of renewals. How do I get these emails?



Hi @frew1 


If you were able to receive a test mail from their support, then it proves that your Email address is working.


Now, we need to know if they received a bounce back email error for us to investigate.


Once you have the error, kindly send me a PM with it along with your account details.

