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Engineering Support

Level 2

I have made a complaint to the HelpDesk 6 times each time the Engineeering looks at their black box says NBN is working and closes the work order.


Its an intermittent FAULT casued by a bad connector in the street pit and requires an ON SITE visit but the the Engineering Department in Phillipines refuse to refer it to a local service technician in Western Australia.


FED up I cant talk to NBN Co TPG has no service in Australia and is now the worst experience in the country.


I have been with TPG since the internet began, Oh how they have changed its all about Profits now NOT Service.

Not applicable

Hi @Lastresort,


Welcome to the community!


Thanks for raising this to us. I would love to help get to the bottom of this and check the progress of the escalated fault. To better understand the situation, drop me a private messasge with your account details (Username/Customer ID together with the addres on file).


How do I private message (PM) in the community





I have made a complaint to the HelpDesk 6 times each time the Engineeering looks at their black box says NBN is working and closes the work order.


Its an intermittent FAULT casued by a bad connector in the street pit and requires an ON SITE visit but the the Engineering Department in Phillipines refuse to refer it to a local service technician in Western Australia.


FED up I cant talk to NBN Co TPG has no service in Australia and is now the worst experience in the country.


I have been with TPG since the internet began, Oh how they have changed its all about Profits now NOT Service.

Not applicable

Hi @Lastresort ,


Thanks for sending me your details. I was able to locate the account, Our Engineering Team have identified that the issue is with the network controlled by the NBN co. This unfortunately means only NBN co. technicians have the authority to fix this fault.

The issue has been raised to NBNCo.and Our Engineering Team is working around the clock with their full cooperation, I can see that you have been in contact with one of our Engineers yesterday and provided the case progress.


We will raise this to our Engineering Team for additional reference on the ongoing investigation, expect updates via SMS or Phone call when it becomse available.




@Lastresort wrote:

I have made a complaint to the HelpDesk 6 times each time the Engineeering looks at their black box says NBN is working and closes the work order.


Its an intermittent FAULT casued by a bad connector in the street pit and requires an ON SITE visit but the the Engineering Department in Phillipines refuse to refer it to a local service technician in Western Australia.


FED up I cant talk to NBN Co TPG has no service in Australia and is now the worst experience in the country.


I have been with TPG since the internet began, Oh how they have changed its all about Profits now NOT Service.