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Frequent NBN disconnection - Albury

Level 2



I've had NBN FTTN for almost a year without major issue, but in the last few days I could not connect to the internet at all. So I contacted support and had a ticket number 10958709 and had an NBN technician came to fix it this morning. He said he did find a problem with the cables and fixed it, and I was able to connect to the internet temporarily. But after he left, the internet dropped out about 15 times just this morning, and I could barely use the internet for a few minutes between dropping out. I've had more time without internet connection than than I've had with connection. I've done the usual restarting modem/power recycling but didn't improve the situation. Any suggestions what to do from here? Cheers

Level 2

I did do an isolation test last time I rang support, and it didn't seem like there was a problem with the modem. Did my dropouts this morning register on your end of the system?




Welcome to the Community! 


Recent update on the ticket number you provided showed that our Engineering team has rejected NBN Co's diagnostics regrading the connection issue. 


They have requested to NBN to investigate the issue further. They will be in touch soon as soon as response is received from NBN Co. 


We apologise for the inconvenience. 




Level 2
Thank you, I will keep this post updated if I receive any new information. Barely had any internet connection this afternoon and tonight.
Level 2

Monitored drop outs this afternoon, here are the logs:

12-Nov-20 3:34:43 PM Log Start
Failure Start Length
12-Nov-20 3:38:43 PM 0:04:05
12-Nov-20 3:49:11 PM 0:09:46
12-Nov-20 3:59:14 PM 0:04:20
12-Nov-20 4:06:26 PM Log End
Monitor Duration 0:31:42
Failure Summary:
Count 3
Total Downtime 0:18:11
% Downtime 57.39
Minimum Length 0:04:05
Maximum Length 0:09:46
Average Length 0:06:03

12-Nov-20 4:06:29 PM Log Start
Failure Start Length
12-Nov-20 4:08:02 PM 0:02:41
12-Nov-20 4:14:10 PM 0:06:17
12-Nov-20 4:28:33 PM 0:03:15
12-Nov-20 4:34:18 PM 0:00:05
12-Nov-20 4:35:23 PM 0:00:08
12-Nov-20 4:35:38 PM 0:03:20
12-Nov-20 4:45:26 PM 0:07:52
12-Nov-20 4:53:46 PM 0:02:48
12-Nov-20 4:56:41 PM 0:02:48
12-Nov-20 4:59:29 PM Log End
Monitor Duration 0:53:00
Failure Summary:
Count 9
Total Downtime 0:26:28
% Downtime 49.95
Minimum Length 0:00:05
Maximum Length 0:07:52
Average Length 0:02:56

12-Nov-20 5:02:40 PM Log Start
Failure Start Length
12-Nov-20 5:04:10 PM 0:00:19
12-Nov-20 5:04:37 PM 0:05:27
12-Nov-20 5:26:50 PM 0:03:33
12-Nov-20 5:34:05 PM 0:00:13
12-Nov-20 5:34:51 PM 0:02:48
12-Nov-20 5:39:40 PM Log End
Monitor Duration 0:37:00
Failure Summary:
Count 5
Total Downtime 0:12:23
% Downtime 33.48
Minimum Length 0:00:13
Maximum Length 0:05:27
Average Length 0:02:28

12-Nov-20 5:39:46 PM Log Start
Failure Start Length
12-Nov-20 5:45:09 PM 0:00:20
12-Nov-20 5:46:02 PM 0:02:55
12-Nov-20 5:52:33 PM 0:04:00
12-Nov-20 6:03:17 PM 0:02:42
12-Nov-20 6:06:12 PM Log End
Monitor Duration 0:26:25
Failure Summary:
Count 4
Total Downtime 0:09:58
% Downtime 37.73
Minimum Length 0:00:20
Maximum Length 0:04:00
Average Length 0:02:29

12-Nov-20 6:06:15 PM Log Start
Failure Start Length
12-Nov-20 6:14:40 PM 0:02:54
12-Nov-20 6:19:32 PM 0:04:22
12-Nov-20 6:26:08 PM 0:10:07
12-Nov-20 6:36:15 PM Log End
Monitor Duration 0:30:00
Failure Summary:
Count 3
Total Downtime 0:07:17
% Downtime 24.28
Minimum Length 0:02:54
Maximum Length 0:04:22
Average Length 0:02:25

12-Nov-20 6:36:21 PM Log Start
Failure Start Length
12-Nov-20 6:36:25 PM 0:54:25
12-Nov-20 7:30:51 PM Log End
Monitor Duration 0:54:28
Failure Summary:
Count 1
Total Downtime 0:00:00
% Downtime 0.00
Minimum Length 0:00:00
Maximum Length 0:00:00
Average Length 0:00:00

12-Nov-20 7:33:42 PM Log Start
Failure Start Length
12-Nov-20 8:06:15 PM Log End
Monitor Duration 0:32:32
Failure Count 0

12-Nov-20 8:06:19 PM Log Start
Failure Start Length
12-Nov-20 8:45:19 PM Log End
Monitor Duration 0:39:00
Failure Count 0


A total of 28 drop outs this afternoon, more down time than uptime. Seem to have improved towards the evening though. Was there any news from NBNco? Will keep this updated.

Not applicable

Hi @skxwodenni,


Thanks for the update, we notified our Engineers about the dropouts occurred on the service today.

