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How do I track my service request? My internet is down
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You can private message to me your customer ID, username, service address and mobile number so i can check status here.
My username is ssondhi56.
I was chatting with your colleague yesterday after which my internet went down. He gave me a service request TE3524527.
Can you please help me because I can't work from home because of this outage.
Hi ssondhi56,
Can you tell me about your set up,
Where modem is connected?
which brand modem you have?
How many socket you have in your unit?
How's socket condition?
which port of modem is connected to socket via telephone cable?
Can you tell me about your set up,
I have a Huawei modem HG532d. There is an ADSL telephone wire which comes straight from the wall into the model. Since yesterday, the ADSL light has been blinking and unstable. The internet light is off.
How many socket you have in your unit? There is one socket. There is no telephone connected... so no filter. The line is directly connected to the modem.
which port of modem is connected to socket via telephone cable? the adsl socket has the telephone line connected to the modem.
Hi ssondhi56,
Now i am able see that your service is up and running, connected for 13 minutes after some troubleshooting.