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How to access an old email address

Level 2

Years ago I had an old TPG account with an email address attached. I'm now in the process of trying to obtain access to an online platform that I used with this email and am unable to access the account reset links that are being sent there (as i cannot access this email account any more).


I'm happy to pay to set something up temporarily but is there a way I can access this email account or is there a way TPG are able to assist with forwarding the emails to me? 


Hi @craigmonty . If your email account is POP3, all emails are deleted after 45 days. If it is IMAP, your emails are probably still there.

On the Post Office login screen is an option "Forgot your password?"

Alternative is to contact the organisations sending emails to the old address and change to new one.

Level 2

I assume it was a POP3 email (it was years ago so hard to remember). Recovering old emails isn't an issue I just need access to the account reset links that are being sent there. 


I no longer hold an active account with TPG so I dont think i have access to the Post Office login screen you mentioned? 


I've tried contacting the organisation directly to have these sent to a different email address but that doesn't appear to be possible. There suggestion is basically to contact the email provider.


Stuck between a rock and hard place here.


@craigmonty . If you let the account lapse, or cancelled it, TPG will have deleted the email address from their server. Anyone sending emails there will get a bounceback error. You can try it yourself from your current email address.

I don't see why these organisations can't change the old address.

Level 2

Yeah currently they are going nowhere but im just trying to work out what my options are. Could i set up an email only account temporarily with that username for example? 


I've tried everything I can from the other end and they won't budge. Bascially from their perspective it's a privacy/security issue - no way to know if this person contacting them actually is the owner of said account. 


@craigmonty . Have to leave this to TPG, if they will activate an old account. I'm sure they'll have security questions.

A moderator may look at this thread later, or create a new one detailing your problem with these organisations and what you want to do with your old account.

Send an email to 


Hi @craigmonty,


Once an account or service is already cancelled, everything that came along with the service will be disconnected if there are no request to keep it active (e.g phone number porting, email address) 


Nonetheless, we'd be happy to check this for you. Please send the email address via private message so we can assist you accordingly. 






Years ago I had an old TPG account with an email address attached. I'm now in the process of trying to obtain access to an online platform that I used with this email and am unable to access the account reset links that are being sent there (as i cannot access this email account any more).


I'm happy to pay to set something up temporarily but is there a way I can access this email account or is there a way TPG are able to assist with forwarding the emails to me? 

Level 2

Thanks, PM sent.


I know it's a long shot but i was really getting nowhere at the other end of this issue.