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I cannot pay my autopay from visa as it was cancelled due to fraud. Payment can be reorganised next

Level 2

I cannot pay my autopay from visa as it was cancelled due to fraud. Payment can be reorganised next. Is any one going to acknowledge me telling you this ?

Not applicable

Hi @MainStProHub,

Welcome to the community!

Due to the prepaid nature of our service and as a part of our billing system’s automation, we charge 7 days before the next billing cycle.

You may settle the remaining balance before the new billing cycle. We have created an article that can help our customers better understand their TPG billing cycle and advance payments.

Once the card has been replaced, you may re-try to process the payment with the help of this link:

You may also update your payment information by following this link:

Feel free to let ys know should you require further assistance.


Level 2


I was contacted by the bank today and confirmed the card has been sent. They estimate it will be here thursday next week.

I have tried to log in here  and I also have tried to ring you guys tp pay another way but its very difficult and unsatisfactory that you are so unaccesable. You can call me and Ill pay, 0411707207 Emile