Level 2

Second time in as many weeks I have lost my phone line altogether.

First time took a week to fix. Now have been told it might be another week.

Unacceptable. Will be changing ISP if not fixed by tomorrow.


Username: lxxxxxxxx

Level 4

I posted about such frustrations in another thread just now:


@Vhorlon wrote:


I can say that you're not alone in your frustrations.


TPG seem to be having some major issues for a while now - and have been aggressively trying to delete any posts here that come close to criticising their services and, in particular, their (mis)handling of customer concerns. I had the run around from them for months before recently dropping them in favour of another provider, and now they are deleting even helpful troubleshooting posts, initially because I criticised their handling of customers who wanted to cancel their services.


Level 2
Certainly says something that you've replied to my post before a representative. TPG is a joke.
Not applicable

Hi @bingsta,


I apologise for the inconvenience. I can see that this has been raised to our Engineering Team and escalated to Telstra. Based on assessment a line fault is causing the service not to work.



Telstra advised us they have booked a technician to check your service on or before the 8th of January, 2019. Your attendance is NOT required

I will pass this to our Engineering Team for additional reference. Further updates will be provided by one of our Engineers.



Level 4
@bingsta wrote:
Certainly says something that you've replied to my post before a representative. TPG is a joke.

Nah. Jokes are funny. TPG's incompetence is not.


[Posted on my vodafone mobile because of course, TPG ADSL is down and their tech support are chasing their own tail. Who would have guessed?]


Hi @Vhorlon,


We've reviewed the account and our Engineering team was trying to ask you to run some test for us to analyze the case further. However, you declined.


They were not able to detect any fault on the line which may cause an issue with the service and can detect a stable connection. The test result will be a big help for them to identify the origin of the fault.


Please send the result to


Kind regards,


Level 4

@BasilDV wrote:

Hi @Vhorlon,


We've reviewed the account and our Engineering team was trying to ask you to run some test for us to analyze the case further. However, you declined.


Hi @BasilDV,


Please get your facts straight before replying. I did not "decline". I asked them why doing the same tests I had performed multiple times before would be more beneficial than the many times I have done them in the past. This issue has persisted for months. The issue is intermittent and random, and doing said tests either show no issue, or cannot be performed because the internet is down anyway. The problem has been identified as being external (as in not on the premises) by technicians sent to my home multiple times, yet they still insist on performing the same tests over and over expecting different results.


It should also be noted that I work in I.T. myself, and perform most of these tests long before even thinking about calling TPG to (not) solve issues. This is besides the point, however.


So when exactly does TPG expect to actually get onto the issue which has already long since been identified - and actually fix it?


Hi @Vhorlon,


We understand your point, however, the additional test that they've asked you will help them with the investigation as we are not able to detect any fault on the copper network.


We acknowledged that you are an I.T. and you've already tested and troubleshoot the issue, but our Engineers still need the test results to progress the case. This will be used as evidence once they've lodged the case to our wholesale provider Telstra to run full diagnostics on the copper line.


Let us know if you are able to send the test results and will notify our Engineering team to reassess the case.


Kind regards,




Level 4

@BasilDV wrote:

Hi @Vhorlon,


We understand your point, however, the additional test that they've asked you will help them with the investigation as we are not able to detect any fault on the copper network.




This explanation might hold water if it wasn't an excuse that had been used multiple times before - when the same tests were run and the same conclusions were not reached. I understand TPG's need to obsessively re-run the same tests just in case something might on the off chance be different (which it hasn't been yet). However, the fact is that these tests so far have not proven to add anything additional to what was done the FIRST time around.....and the second.....and the third.....and the rest. I have had multple technicians CONFIRM that there is a fault on the line. These technicians were sent by TPG THEMSELVES. 


@BasilDV wrote:


This will be used as evidence once they've lodged the case to our wholesale provider Telstra to run full diagnostics on the copper line.


Perhaps you can fail to explain why after multiple calls to tech support, multiple identical tests and multiple technicians confirming a line fault over the course of several months, has this STILL not been lodged with Telstra? This should have been done MONTHS ago.


Suffice it to say that a call to the TIO to discuss reimbursement for the months of unreliable internet is beginning to look very much like an agreeable solution.


Not good enough. Try again.

Level 4

Ok so i emailed in the test results and haven't heard anything back since. So whats next? Or are TPG still trying to figure that out?