IP address

Level 2
Hi, we just joined TPG FTTN NBN
We used to be with Telstra & could access our server where we downloaded movies & streamed it through plex media on the tv
Since we moved to TPG we cannot access the server after connecting it to the TPG modem as we need the TPG IP address to connect to the server
Can anyone provide assistance please

Hi @hkozubek . Are the server and tv on the home network? 

You may have to give the server a reserved ip address in the router and configure plex on tv with new ip address.

If that doesn't work, can you give more detail on the setup?

Level 2
Yes the server is connected to the home network by ethernet cable to the modem
I connect to the server via my macbook pro thru an ip address however i dont know the new ip address for the tpg modem to connect to the server

@hkozubek . The Mac should show you its tcp/ip details. It will be 192.168.1.something. Default gateway will be (the router). Put this ip address in the address bar of browser and login to router. 

What model router do you have?

Look at network status screen for a client list. Your Mac will be there with other connected devices. The server should get a fixed ip address in case the router is rebooted.

Level 2
Thanks David
My modem is a vx420-g2v
I logged into the router browser & under network map i can see all my devices connected to wifi under wireless clients however cannot see anything under wired clients
If my server is plugged into the modem shouldnt it come up with the server & corresponding ip address under the wired clients menu?
How else can i determine the ip address for the server?

@hkozubek . When you connect the server to the router, does the corresponding LAN light come on?

What is the model number of the server? 

Level 2
The corresponding lan light is green on the modem & server
Not sure about the server model no as it was built from scratch by an it person a few years ago
The only number i can see on the nas server box is DS218+

@hkozubek . It seems like a Synology DS218+. 

Press the Reset button once to reset network settings.

But only do it once!

Check in router to see if server shows up.

Userid is admin and password blank.


1. Press and hold until you hear a beep sound to restore the default IP address, DNS server, and passwords for the admin account.


(Don't do the following.)

2. Press and hold until you hear a beep sound, then press and hold again until you hear three beep sounds to return the DiskStation to “Not installed” status so that DiskStation Manager (DSM) can be reinstalled