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Increasing number of internet drop out on HFC

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Level 2

For the past couple of months, I’ve been having repeated drop out on my NBN connection.  They average between one to 5 minutes but have lasted up to 30 minutes not including any NBN maintenance.

TPG tech has been out once and NBN have been out twice so far with another visit schedule in a couple of days. The first visit NBN replaced a couple of things as a precaution but the last NBN visit showed everything perfect and within limits.

There’s a few threads about similar issues but no comments after the initial fix.  It seems to come good for a day or two after speaking to support about it but the issue soon re-occurs.


February: 1 drop out

March: 4 drop outs

April: 4 drop outs

May: 14 drop outs

June: 12 drop outs

July: 109 drop outs

August – 11th: 80 drop outs


Looking at the TP-Link Archer logs I’m seeing a couple of different alerts just before the link goes down.


2020-08-10 20:10:05 [3] PPP: ppp3 Peer not responding

2020-08-10 20:10:05 [3] PPP: ppp3 LCP down

2020-08-10 20:10:05 [4] PPP: ppp3 LCP down

2020-08-10 20:10:05 [6] PPP: ppp3 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "Peer not responding"]

2020-08-10 20:10:08 [6] PPP: ppp3 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4 "Peer not responding"]

2020-08-10 20:10:11 [3] PPP: ppp3

2020-08-10 20:10:11 [5] VoIP: disable SIP stack due to intf IP is

2020-08-10 20:10:32 [6] PPP: ppp3 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000041a3)]

2020-08-10 20:10:36 [6] PPP: ppp3 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000041a3)]

2020-08-10 20:10:46 [6] PPP: ppp3 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000041a3)]

2020-08-10 20:11:06 [3] PPP: ppp3 Timeout waiting for PADO packets




2020-08-10 12:28:15 [6] PPP: ppp3 rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0x2]

2020-08-10 12:28:15 [3] PPP: ppp3 LCP down

2020-08-10 12:28:15 [4] PPP: ppp3 LCP down

2020-08-10 12:28:15 [6] PPP: ppp3 sent [LCP TermAck id=0x2]


Could this also be related to the VOIP service?


Accepted Solutions
Level 2

NBN tech came out a few days ago and it all seems like it's settle down as i've not had any further drop outs since.


He re-ternminated a number of connections and replaced the NBN box as a precaution. The F connector at the splitter on the pole on the street had quite a bit of corrosion. The other f-connectors between there and the modem had some nicks in the copper and were re-termninated. 


I'm getting a slightly higher download speed and hopefully this has sorted the issue and its the end of this saga. 

View solution in original post


Hi @kieranc


Welcome to the Community! 


Based on the account I've found using your Community details, your issue is now being investigated and handled by our Engineering Team. 


Further updates will be provided via phone call or SMS. 


Feel free to reach out to us again should you require further assistance. 





Level 2

NBN tech came out a few days ago and it all seems like it's settle down as i've not had any further drop outs since.


He re-ternminated a number of connections and replaced the NBN box as a precaution. The F connector at the splitter on the pole on the street had quite a bit of corrosion. The other f-connectors between there and the modem had some nicks in the copper and were re-termninated. 


I'm getting a slightly higher download speed and hopefully this has sorted the issue and its the end of this saga.