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Internet service offline day three NOT resolved

Level 3
This is day three of no internet.
I had lodged a fault in the app after patiently waiting 12 hours for the drop out to drop back in!
Unintelligible garbled phone messages left despite saying email is the best way to communicate with me (this is an internet provider) so shouldn't be hard.

Now the fault manager lists it as "resolved" when it is still very not working.

As per screen shot, shows no modern detected (despite modern doing its very best to connect to something), no data, but a voice connection somehow gets the tick (probably because it's a feature we don't use!).
They now show the fault as resolved, when nothing could be further from the truth, no resolution, still no internet, test on app fails, and no email communication re resolution.

I cannot find my previous post on here, so am trying again.
I need this connection for working in healthcare, until now tpg service at several locations has been reliable but this is extremely disappointing.

Could not find any fault listed on nbn or tpg sites.
Has been working fine. Morning of 13th onwards just cut off...
Modern has been turned off and on to restart, several times now. Cables checked of course. Modem tries repeatedly to cycle back to connection but fails.
We are literally just over the road from the nbn node cabinet.!!
Not much more i can do from this end but wait, wait, and consider alternatives :/
Have been with tpg many years and have been happy but it should not be hard to email a simple update and get something happening.

Marking a resolved when there is clearly no signal getting through, or not checking with an email to client, is so wrong. Please attend this asap!

Thank you

Edit. Have removed screenshots, told by call from tpg it is now with engineering team for another 24-48 hours.
I sure hope they're like Scotty and get it fixed in an hour or two, it's been long enough and the fault was logged days ago and everything checked at our end.

Will wait and see.
Have never had issues with tpg so hope they can fix now in s timely manner.
Not applicable

We chased this with our Engineering Team to prioritise this case, at the moment the fault is under assessment. Updates will be provided as soon as it becomes available.




This is day three of no internet.
I had lodged a fault in the app after patiently waiting 12 hours for the drop out to drop back in!
Unintelligible garbled phone messages left despite saying email is the best way to communicate with me (this is an internet provider) so shouldn't be hard.

Now the fault manager lists it as "resolved" when it is still very not working.

As per screen shot, shows no modern detected (despite modern doing its very best to connect to something), no data, but a voice connection somehow gets the tick (probably because it's a feature we don't use!).
They now show the fault as resolved, when nothing could be further from the truth, no resolution, still no internet, test on app fails, and no email communication re resolution.

I cannot find my previous post on here, so am trying again.
I need this connection for working in healthcare, until now tpg service at several locations has been reliable but this is extremely disappointing.

Could not find any fault listed on nbn or tpg sites.
Has been working fine. Morning of 13th onwards just cut off...
Modern has been turned off and on to restart, several times now. Cables checked of course. Modem tries repeatedly to cycle back to connection but fails.
We are literally just over the road from the nbn node cabinet.!!
Not much more i can do from this end but wait, wait, and consider alternatives :/
Have been with tpg many years and have been happy but it should not be hard to email a simple update and get something happening.

Marking a resolved when there is clearly no signal getting through, or not checking with an email to client, is so wrong. Please attend this asap!

Thank you

Edit. Have removed screenshots, told by call from tpg it is now with engineering team for another 24-48 hours.
I sure hope they're like Scotty and get it fixed in an hour or two, it's been long enough and the fault was logged days ago and everything checked at our end.

Will wait and see.
Have never had issues with tpg so hope they can fix now in s timely manner.

Not applicable

Hi @Mattycat,


One of our engineers tried to contact you today but to no avail. Please confirm your best contact time so we can reschedule another call from our Engineering Team.





Hi @Mattycat


Just a quick follow through with this issue.


Your assigned Engineer tried to call you to no avail.

Based on the report from the attending technician, the modem/router is already faulty.


Please advise us of your preferred time to receive a call for us to relay it with our Engineering team.



Level 2

@dumb ways to die the same thing happened at night

Not applicable

Hi @cortegecontribu ,


Are you still having issues with the service right now? In the event you require more assistance, send us your details so we can proceed with the initial investigation.


Please note that this thread was created last year.




@dumb ways to die the same thing happened at night