Login Failure

Level 4

Since moving to my TPG email addresses to TMC Thunderbird POP client reports repeated login failures, sometimes the message says service unavailable, sometimes Account is unavailable.  These start late morning and continue through the day.

This doesn't happen early  morning and evening and I am able to download my emails with no problem.

There would seem to be something of a resource issue here.


If TPG could fix my ongoing problem with sending emails to my new web hosting service from TPG  email accounts, which has now been happening for 5 months, then I could lighten the load on the TMC service (there is no problem in sending to my new service from anywhere else - just TPG).

Not applicable

Hi @Ascidian99 


Make sure that your Email client is updated with TLS 1.2 or 1.3 version. Check the settings here: https://support.tpg.com.au/email-settings


Please note:

From 7 November 2022 onwards we will no longer support TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 for email. TLS 1.0 and 1.1 have been around for a long time and have become outdated. The security of TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 is significantly higher compared to the older versions making sending and receiving emails more secure.

If you are using an older mail client or operating system on your device and if you experience any issues with sending or receiving emails, you might be affected by the discontinuation of TLS 1.0 and 1.1.

The best way to solve the issue would be by updating your mail client (Mail, Thunderbird, Outlook, etc) and operating system. We recommend checking for any updates for your mail client that support TLS 1.2 or higher (ideally upgrade to the latest version). In general, it is recommended to check for updates regularly to ensure that everything works smoothly and that security options are up-to-date.

IMPORTANT: We no longer provide email services as part of the TPG broadband service.


Hi @Ascidian99 . I'm sure your Thunderbird is not changing its settings so it works morning and evening but fails during the day.

When you have a problem, can you check if Post Office is working, ie. it lets you login to it.


Can you provide screenshots of the 2 different messages (service unavailable, account unavailable).


Level 4

Hi David64 - thanks for you reply:

here are a couple of  error messages (in attached file) - at the time I received them I tried logging onto the post office and got an error 504 Gateway Time-out. from https://vpostoffice.tpg.com.au/index.php/mail/auth/processlogin.

It's now 3:50pm and the errors are repeating, and so is the error 504

(ps am running TBird 115.5.0 & Windows is patched to date).



@Ascidian99 . Can you use this URL:   https://postoffice.tpg.com.au/login

This takes you to the traditional Post Office.

My mail client connected ok.

Level 4

Hi David64,  that's following the link from the TPG home page to "Post Office".  By 4:50pm all my emails were coming down without error, & I could logon to Post Office, which is why I suspect a resource problem at peak times.


Level 4

ps - I'll try your link suggestion next time I get errors, which will probably be tomorrow pm.

Level 4

Hi David64,

just tried your suggested link - it responded with login error - unknown user or password, then redirected me to the https://vpostoffice.tpg.com.au/index.php/mail/auth/processlogin address where it timed out with 504 error.

Retried the link address with a different login and this time it eventually succeeded, but address was now vpostoffice!  So retried with my id and this time it also succeeded, but also on the vpostoffice address.

Looks like it's intermittent within the busy period, looks more & more like a resource issue.



Level 4

Update 26 Nov - today is a sunny Sunday when I wouldn't expect that the system would be overly busy but despite that both my wife & I are getting errors pretty much continuously.

It was the same yesterday when in addition incoming emails were delayed until this morning although timed at 14:11 25/11/23.  This is a bit of a problem with otp codes which timeout long before the email arrives.

I surely can't be the only person to be experiencing this problem, I'm just not that special.