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Moving Home Trouble-Shooting

Level 2

Hi there,


I've recently moved home and am struggling to get the NBN up and running. We connected to NBN in my previous apartment using the round HFC cable. In our new house there appears only to be an FTTC port. I've tried connecting using the large (and rather ugly) white NBN box that was in the house, connecting to my TPG modem using the WAN port. But I'm having no luck & TPG doesn't offer technical support on the weekends. As both my partner and I are wokrking from home, we really need the internet up and running ASAP.

Any advice would be much appreciated. 

Thanks Smiley Happy


Hi @Angus1984

By FTTC, you mean just a telephone wall socket?

When you plug in the NBN box, what lights come on? Should be power, link and DSL.

Use an ethernet cable from NBN box to WAN port on router. Is the 4th light on the NBN box on?

What lights are lit on the router?




Hi @Angus1984


Welcome to the Community!


We were able to locate your account using your community details and learned that our Tech team has been in touch.

They've found out that the modem/router has the wrong PPPoE password, which is why the internet is not working.

You've been guided on how to correct the configuration and confirmed that the internet works with your new NBN FTTC service.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.
