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NBN - High Ping in Games - Server down somewhere?

Level 2

Hi, I have 100mbps NBN FTTN and the past couple of weeks I've been getting really laggy games with high ping (60-100 when it should be 20-30). TPG speedtest is fine, is fine, however the one in Google search is also laggy and really slow downloads. I've attached some screenshots.


Now I've had a similar problem in the past, it seems there is a server down somewhere and my traffic is getting rerouted and lagged out. So I grabbed an IP from when I connected to CS GO and did a tracert and sure enough some of them timed out. I also attached a screenshot of that.


So as far as I know there isn't really anything I can do. Of course I've tried resetting my modem several times and it persists. Any help is appreciated.






Hi @nottheonlychris,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We'd like to look into it further. We will arrange a call from our Tech team to check your service and understand what is going on with it.


Please shoot me a private message with your TPG username or CID number along with your preferred time and best number to be contacted.


Kind regards,


Level 2

I have exactly the same situation. Google's speedtest is sometimes the same as TPG and then a few seconds later will be 60% slower. The performance in games is just as inconsistent. Sometimes it will be terrible and then later on will improve. There were no problems up until a few weeks ago.


Hi @saltisgood,


Welcome to the Community!


I was able to locate your account using your community details and able to perform tests. Our results show that your modem is averaging 48Mbps transfer rate.


To better assist you with your concern, can you provide us screenshots of the following:

  • Speedtest result using a WIFI connection (test both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands)
  • Speedtest result using hardwired connection
  • Traceroute (using hardwired connection if possible)




Level 2

Yeah sure. I only use wired connections so I won't bother with the WiFi.

Attached are the tracert to an official CS:GO server in Sydney that I was using today. I should be getting <20ms ping and it was over 100ms in game. The tracert shows 10ms until a blank spot then a big jump to ~80ms.

Also the speedtest results from Google. These are all taken one after the other, so they're all at a similar time of day.


Thank you for the update @saltisgood.


We've reset your connection remotely, which will refresh your connection.


Observe your connection if there's any improvement.


Let us know how it goes.



Level 2

I've now had this issue, it wasn't a problem before the 23/3/2020 when a planned maintenance happened. Where i usually obtained 20ping on official valve servers on csgo i now have 80 - 100. Is there a fix to this ? Tracert shows valve servers at 70 to 80  ms