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NBN Portforwarding on HG659

Level 3

im trying to open my ports 7777 and 27015 for hosting a dedicated Ark Survival Evolved Server but it doesn't seem to work. About 6 months ago I hosted a 7 Days to Die Server which worked but now it doesn't work anymore. And when I use a port checker online even my port 80 and 8080 are closed.

Any one know's how to fix this?


Hi @kimkelvin . The manual I have for this router doesn't have info on these actions.

The server should have a fixed ip address on your home network.

The forwarding rules should nominate the correct WAN interface; the HG659 has an RJ11 interface and ethernet interface. The router status page should indicate the active interface.

You need to setup DDNS to allow for changes to your public ip address.

Level 3

i've already set a fixed ip on the pc hosting the server, its just almost all the ports i tried to check over no port is open even the basic port 80 / 8080 ones. so im not sure what to do since it wasnt like this before

Level 3

@david64 sorry for the bump here's a couple of picture i've attached

Level 3

@david64 and heres another check / test for the commonly used game ports
i had the assumption before the TPG doesn't block ports but not sure what is this and i dont have this problem before


@kimkelvin . You're wanting to use Google's DNS which is ok. Normally, ip address is obtained automatically from the router rather than setting it in Windows, even though it is the same.

Is the server using wifi rather than ethernet?

On the server, do ipconfig to check it is getting that fixed ip on the proper interface.

Do   netstat -an   to check that the local ports (TCP and UDP) are listening.

On your other computer, do    telnet 7777    

You'll get a blank screen indicating a connection has been made.

I use my phone's mobile data and browser with my public ip address to check my forwarding rule. In the address bar, put your public ip address followed by colon and the port number. The rule points to my computer. The port is closed but I have packet capture and can see the connection request received by the computer. The computer replies with Reset immediately and the browser shows "refused to connect", as opposed to timeout if rule is wrong.


Level 3

@david64 yes over wifi i had no problems before using it happy hosted 7 days to die servers and valheim servers around 6 months ago 

here are the results i got from telnet and netstat

netstat2 had the 7777 and 27015 i need to open but they're dead even i had them opened on the router

I've also setup 7777 and 27015 on my windows firewall and also disabled the AV and firewall all together and still no hope


@kimkelvin . The telnet commands show that the TCP ports are closed. The external tester must be using TCP also. Telnet from local computer doesn't involve the router.

The netstat shows that UDP ports are ready.

Does this app need the TCP ports open as well or just the UDP ports?

What happens if you try to access the app from the other computer?