NBN WIFI Ping spikes

Level 2
Hi, so recently, everytime I play online games, my ping would randomly spike from 15ms to like 35-150ms, giving me rubber banding in games. Download and upload speeds are fine but its just the consistent ping spikes are random times. Maybe like every 5-10mins of playing online.

Hi @droo2209


Welcome to the Community!


We tried to search for your account using your community details to no avail.


Are you connected via WiFi or Wired connection? What online games are you playing? Are you connected to AU server or not?


Please send me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number to assist you accordingly.




Level 2
I got TPG NBN on Tuesday and I'm having the exact same issue. I've tried both 2.5G and 5G connections. I've even got the Router 3m away. Only thing between the computer and router is a glass door.

I've also tried a different DNS server and also tried a VPN. Still getting rubberbanding issues and random spikes in my ping.
Not applicable

Hi @Seanc12 , your concern has been raised to our Technical Team. Kindly await a call within the day. Thank you.