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NBN connection device not arrived

Level 2
I recently moved my home and joined TPG. I have received the modem from TPG over mail but not received the NBN connection device.Can you please help me?
Not applicable

Hi @Mithileshvnit85,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We have located the account using the details you have provided via PM.


As per checking, your address is classified by NBN Co. as Service Class 34, which means that NBN was previously active and the NBN Connection Box or the NCD should be installed as well. Thus, you only need to connect the TPG modem directly to the NCD, so we can remotely activate your NBN Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) service.


Are you able to check if there's an NCD installed or would it be possible for you to contact the previous owner regarding the matter?

Level 2
Hi reizl,
I checked with my owner and he doesn’t have the device. Looks like he might have taken with him. Is it possible to get the new device? And what’s the procedure for that?
Not applicable

We'll raise this to our Provisioning Team and a case manager will contact you to discuss the matter. Can you PM us your best contact number and most convenient time to receive a call?

Level 2

My contact number is XXXXXXXXXX. You can contact me anytime.
Appreciate your quick response.

Not applicable

Thanks, @Mithileshvnit85. We have advised our Provisioning Team to contact you between 11:30AM-2:30PM today

Not applicable

Hi @Mithileshvnit85,we can see that our Provisioning Team has been in touch and now working on sending a new NBN connection box/NCD. The team is closely monitoring this the case manager will contact you once an update becomes available.


Let us know if we can be of further assistance. Thank you.

Level 2
Hi Reizl,
Can you please provide me the update on my request? I have not received any update from the case manager.
Not applicable

Hi @Mithileshvnit85, the NCD order is now in progress and we are just waiting for it to be shipped.


We are also monitoring your account and will message once the consignment number becomes available.

Not applicable

Hi @Mithileshvnit85, we have PM'd you the consignment number. Feel free to message us should you need further assistance. Cheers!