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NBN out and tpg no hep

Level 2

Our TPG NBN has been out for 2 weeks. Only the power button on the NBN box and no other lights. All TGP will tell us is their technicans will look into it. Now 2 weeks without NBN. My small business and income has been decimated. No help from TPG at all :: no sure what else we can do?? Please HELP

Not applicable

Hi @97453329,

We'd love to help fix the issue affecting the service, could you send us a PM with your details (Username/Customer ID together with the address on file) so we can go ahead proceed with the initial assesment.

How to send a PM? 




Our TPG NBN has been out for 2 weeks. Only the power button on the NBN box and no other lights. All TGP will tell us is their technicans will look into it. Now 2 weeks without NBN. My small business and income has been decimated. No help from TPG at all :: no sure what else we can do?? Please HELP

Level 2
Hi peeps … I know you must all be wondering, did TPG customer service get in touch to help sort my connection … well the answer is of course no. I also didn’t get the call back from the supervisor promised three times today. I also couldn’t work from home as the government has requested. Perhaps I should get in touch with A Current Affair and see if they will call back …

Hi @97453329 . Any progress on this with TPG?

What type of NBN box do you have? (black HFC or white FTTC?)

Level 2
Thank you David. Appreciate the question … David 1 TPG 0 for both questions and attempt to help.

David it’s a Black HCF …

@97453329 . The 2nd and 3rd lights are supposed to flash as it searches for receive and send channel. The lights being off might indicate something else (faulty unit?). Check the 2 coax connectors are tight. Use a paper clip in the reset hole on rear of unit. Otherwise, it's up to TPG to check further, or arrange for NBNCo to check.

Level 2
Thanks David. Appreciated. Flashing downstream light only and power on. The NBN website has listed since 30 June “network degradation may impact your connection” - I just can’t seem to be able to get TPG to take this up and sort it with NBN. Frustrating both my neighbours have TPG NBN and it’s working for them OK (their address ask shows the same message on the NBN website). So it could be a faulty NBN box but I can’t get TPG to even check the line as they simply say it’s NBN per the NBN website. 2 weeks now and no end in sight.

Hi @97453329


The outage that affected your service is still not resolved.

According to NBN Co., their field technician attended the site and tried to resolve the issue within the network, however, it was quite a complex case. They've advised that they may need more time to completely resolve the issue, but did not provide an ETR.


We'll chase this with them and provide more update once available.



Level 2
Thanks @BasilDV - that’s exactly the same message tpg have been sending me for the past two weeks. Wondering when you’ll actually follow up NBN. Shame when I asked if I could get some extra data on my tpg phone to see me through your team couldn’t help either … this is becoming comical (and sad)

Hi @97453329


Our Engineers are constantly in touch with NBN Co., however, that's the current update we can get.

We are monitoring your case and will be in touch for further updates once available.

