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Nbn drops out when it rains

Level 3
Ever since I’ve had NBN my connection has dropped out as soon as it starts to rain. Even just the lightest sprinkle and even when it hasn’t rained in weeks. As such I know it’s not flooding of the pits. Half of the time the connection restarts after two minutes and will remain connected even while the rain continues. However if the shower stops for a minute and then restarts I’ll lose connection again.

I’ve put up with the problem for two years, and I’ve previously as techs to fix this problem in 2020 without the situation being resolved.

However now I have to work from home and the rain is always starting and stopping it is making it impossible to use the internet.

Could you please send out a tech to rectify this problem and fix it this time. Thanks.
Not applicable

Hey, Michaelherps


We ran an initial test to the service it shows minimal dropouts to the service and now stable for 8h 31m. We recommend to monitor the connection for the next 24-48hrs.

In the event that issue persists, please update this thread to proceed with further investigation.



Ever since I’ve had NBN my connection has dropped out as soon as it starts to rain. Even just the lightest sprinkle and even when it hasn’t rained in weeks. As such I know it’s not flooding of the pits. Half of the time the connection restarts after two minutes and will remain connected even while the rain continues. However if the shower stops for a minute and then restarts I’ll lose connection again.

I’ve put up with the problem for two years, and I’ve previously as techs to fix this problem in 2020 without the situation being resolved.

However now I have to work from home and the rain is always starting and stopping it is making it impossible to use the internet.

Could you please send out a tech to rectify this problem and fix it this time. Thanks.
Level 3
Hi Shane,
That’s probably because it hasn’t rained in 8 hours and 31 minutes. The connection is fine when it is not raining. I do not need to monitor the situation as this has been occurring for over two years, I’ve certainly monitored it enough over that time… within seconds of the rain starting the connection drops out. No fail. Tonight 5/3/22 it is scheduled to rain around 9pm. Guaranteed to have a drop out as soon as that rain begins.

If you’d like to run a test for the amount of disconnections on 4/3/2022 that would be a more appropriate measure of the instability. I would say it dropped out at least ten times as the rain started and stopped all day.

The issue has persisted for two years so there is no need to monitor. I had this same problem last time when I asked tpg to investigate where I got told the connection was stable when it wasn’t raining. I will emphasise again, it disconnects when it rains, not when there are blue skies for 8 hours and 31 minutes.

Please escalate this. Performing a simple connectivity test during while it is not raining does not address my complaint
Not applicable

Please confirm your preferred time tomorrow, we'll have our Technical Team to contact you for further investigation. 



Hi Shane,
That’s probably because it hasn’t rained in 8 hours and 31 minutes. The connection is fine when it is not raining. I do not need to monitor the situation as this has been occurring for over two years, I’ve certainly monitored it enough over that time… within seconds of the rain starting the connection drops out. No fail. Tonight 5/3/22 it is scheduled to rain around 9pm. Guaranteed to have a drop out as soon as that rain begins.

If you’d like to run a test for the amount of disconnections on 4/3/2022 that would be a more appropriate measure of the instability. I would say it dropped out at least ten times as the rain started and stopped all day.

The issue has persisted for two years so there is no need to monitor. I had this same problem last time when I asked tpg to investigate where I got told the connection was stable when it wasn’t raining. I will emphasise again, it disconnects when it rains, not when there are blue skies for 8 hours and 31 minutes.

Please escalate this. Performing a simple connectivity test during while it is not raining does not address my complaint
Level 3
Any time after 11am would be great. Thanks
Not applicable

Expect a call from our Technical Team between 11-12NN AEDST. Let us know how it will go. 

Any time after 11am would be great. Thanks
Level 2
Hi Michael,

Did this ever get resolved? I have the exact same problem and get nothing but pushback from NBN.

Hi @Ed_Hopkins


We'd be glad to assist! Let us have your TPG account details via PM, let's get this sorted out. 




Level 3

Hi Ed,

No it never got sorted. Still drops out every time it rains. 

NBN techs came out and told me that it was my modem, which unless I had my modem outside in the rain, is a ridiculous suggestion. Nonetheless I changed modems, and what do you know my internet still dorops out. So it turns out that it is likely where they have grouped all the connections on the telegraph pole across the road. They are slap-dash connected, exposed to the elements with wiring hanging out. 


I have begun the process of doing FTTP with another provider with the hope that having no exposed copper will prevent my internet from tripping. Allegedly will be finalised on Friday.

Level 2
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the reply. I suspect it was going to be a leap of faith the NBN would get this sorted. I was going to consider FTTP but the cost to have fast internet is more than I can afford at the moment so I’m stuck.