Open DNS

Level 2

I'm trying to use OpenDNS. I used it years ago but my DNS request no longer seem to go to the DNS servers listed in my router. My guess it stopped working when I went onto NBN.


I opened a ticket with Cisco (OpenDNS) and they tell me that the results of testing show I am using a VPN. But I am not using my VPN.


Does TPG do something to make it look like I use a VPN and force me to use their DNS servers?

Level 15

Hi @kiwi_Dave . How do you know your requests are not going to OpenDNS?

Regarding VPN, go to to find your public ip address. Is it the same as WAN ip address in router?

Level 2

Thanks David64

I opened a ticket with OpenDNS (Cisco) they asked me to run a diagnostic program and send them a link to the result. They looked at the result and said that I am using a VPN and therefore cannot use OpenDNS.


In the advanced settings of my ArcherVR1600v router I can see the correct DNS addresses for OpenDNS.


But in the basic settings there is a non-editable block of data that gives the; Internet status, Connection Type, IP Address, DNS Server, and Gateway.


In this block of data the IP address matches the IP address from "what is my IP" but the DNS is the addres of the TPG DNS server and not of the OpenDNS server.


Level 15

@kiwi_Dave . The VR1600 wan ip address is on the Basic screen when you login to router, under PPPoE. And on the Advanced, Status screen.

If this matches the what is my ip address, you are not using a vpn.

Presuming you have VR1600 connected to NBN box.

Level 2

Sorry, I edited my response above, likely while you were typing. Do you know why the DNS on the basic screen does not match the DNS address on the advanced screen? On the basic screen the addres is for TPG servers and on the advanced screen it is for OpenDNS servers.

Level 15

@kiwi_Dave . You can set dns addresses in Advanced, Network, LAN Settings. I don't know which settings take priority.