
Level 3

What is going on with TPG today (25/11)? I have had no end of problems with my email ALL DAY...it is now 11.03p.m. and still tearing my hair out.

Level 3

Me too.  I've just posted this on the thread called "No email access - webmail & local email client".  Quite frustrating.


@jemowens  @CatLady . What method are you using to login to Post Office?

Selecting Post Office in menu on TPG home page;

URL tpg.com.au/home/postoffice;

URL postoffice.tog.com.au;

all go to  postoffice.tpg.com.au/login

This is the new login screen which takes you to the traditional Post Office layout.

The 504 error is a timeout which could be caused by fhe new arangement with TMC even though our mail is still with TPG.


What error are you getting with email client?

Can you post a screenshot of the error from your client?



Level 3

@david64 I've been logging in via the Post Office menu on the TPG home page.


In terms of what errors I am getting a combination of:

  • After entering my login details on the Post Office login page, the page just has this spinning circle but the actual post office doesn't load... and after 3-4 minutes I get the Gateway Timeout error;
  • If I manage to get into the actual post office inbox, emails are not coming through.  For example, I sent myself several test emails throughout yesterday 25th November, between 12.22pm and 1.33pm.  The test email that I sent myself on 25th November 2023 at 1.33pm got through on 26th November 2023 at 3.55am.


Finally this morning 26th November 2023 at 6.27am, I received an email regarding the test email that I was sending to myself on 25th November 2023 at 12.22pm from tpg account to tpg account, with the subject of the email being "Warning: could not send message for past 8 hors" and the body of the email included the error message and that "This message was generated by mx2.tpgi.com.au".

Level 3

My emails all came in this morning (26/11). However, another extremely frustrating thing has been happening CONTINUOSLY for about 3-4 days now.. A dialogue box/message pops up on screen - freezes what I'm doing. I have attempted to attach a photo of the message, but it is exceeds the permissable size. I don't know what else to do - you need to see the message to know what I'm getting. Today it is popping up sometimes every 2-3 seconds.


@CatLady . I've been sending test mails to my TPG account from my TPG account and gmail account. TPG can accept mail from gmail with no subject but message text must be 9 or more characters.  Another bug in their system.

I can send from TPG to TPG with no subject or message. This might be intermittent.

Post Office can send mail with no subject and no message text.


Some emails are being delayed but no consistency regarding senders.

Level 3

@david64  I'm getting the spinning circle again today since 1.30pm.  I can't even log onto the postoffice page online.


Interestingly, this afternoon's error message says: 

Error: Invalid username or password. Please check your details and try again.


It's the first time that I've encountered this.  It takes me to another log in page that doesn't have the TMC logo, only TPG logo.  When I login via that page, I get this error:

504 Gateway Time-out


@jemowens . Can you take a photo of the pop-up screen rather than take a screenshot and post that?

Level 3

Another update from me on 26th November at 9.18pm.  I've managed to log into my inbox via the Post Office link on TPG's website.  Again, there were emails that should have arrived earlier today only just arriving now... hours later.


I hope this gets fixed next week as I use the tpg email address for everything.  I wish they'd tell us the dates when we should expect disruption to the services, so that I could have scheduled my important correspondances outside of those dates.

Level 3

It is a photo. A message comes up saying it is large, and I don't know how to reduce it.