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Post Office - Database Connection Error - AGAIN

Level 3

here we go again.  these arseholes at TPG have got no idea.  i have been waiting for 40 minutes for the phone to answer.  this database error has been aroyund for at least 5 months and no one is fixing it.  wtf is goin on TPG are just pricks

Level 3

Well after 40 minutes waiting on the phone the Philippine HQ state the email server is down AGAIN.  The "senior technician" is looking into the problem.  There is no ETA for this to be fixed.  The technical monkey is having a banana break while he tries to find the server! hahaha

Not applicable

Hi blinky52. We apologise for the inconvenience at the moment this known issue is currently under investigation by our Network Engineering team. We'll provide you an update when it is available.

Not applicable

Hi @blinky52,


We tried to use your community details to pull up the account unfortunately it does not show any matching records on file. For testing purposes, please PM us your account details.



Level 3

Shane, moderator

i have posted my complaint re no email and have been given 2 different days/times when it will be back up and running

still not working 

to add insult to injury, no one has called me personally as indicated would happen

Not applicable

Hi @18mindah,


PM me your account details also I have responded to your initial post located here.


To avoid redundancy confusion, I will provide you the update on the thread you created.

