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Static IP address on NBN home account?

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Level 3


On my ADSL account I had a static IP address. But it appears that now on my NBN account it is dynamic. Please let me know if TPG is considering changing this. I do not want to go to a business plan.



Accepted Solutions
Level 3

Thanks @Anonymous. Not an answer that I like Man Sad

View solution in original post

Level 3

Thanks for the response and the phone call. It turns out that the problem was mine - I was using 2.4GHz WiFi, which wasn't able to handle the full speed of the connection. Duh! Once I tried a hardwired computer, the speed was fine.

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Not applicable

Hi @peter3193,


Currently, TPG do not have plans in offering Static IP address for residential account.


Our NBN residential plan only offers Dynamic IP Address. For now, the only way to get a Static IP Address is by signing up with NBN Business.


Hope this answers your query.


Cheers! Smiley Happy

Level 3

Thanks @Anonymous. Not an answer that I like Man Sad

Level 2

Must say, that is very disappointing. NBN isn't coming to my area for quite some time yet, but I guess I shall shop around and go elsewhere, so that I can be with a company that provides this basic service by the time it does. Static IP is a very important feature to me and is the main reason I chose TPG to begin with.

Level 2

After shopping around it looks like no ISP are offering static IP address for Home accounts for either NBN or VDSL I have been with TPG 10+ years and have had a static IP that long dont really undersatnd why its not an option happy to pay additional charge per month for it 

Level 2

Have a look at a company called Exetel . They provide static IP for all their NBN plans.

I am going to switch to Exetel as soon my plan with TPG ends in about 6 months.

Level 2

I was with Dodo residential NBN last year & switched to TPG recently.


Dodo did have static IP even without me specifically requesting.


Price with Dodo was same as identical plan I am with on TPG so no reason TPG couldnt absorb. Silly me swtched just to consolidate an old email address, but regretting it now.

Not applicable

Hi @billyt69


Welcome to the community!

Fixed IPs are currently not included in our Residential NBN plans.

Alternatively, Static IP address is available through our NBN Business plans. Please visit this link for more information

Let me know should you require further assistance.



Level 2

This is pretty piss poor form from TPG.


As a customer of over 15 years, I would expect that if were to be forced to migrate to the NBN (or even upgrade by choice) then we should have at least the bare minimal of features carried over to our new services.

Why is it that TPG provide a static IP to Business accounts but not a Residentail? Especially when we have had it for so long on ADSL!

Some rely on a static IP and have done so for the terms of their service with TPG. Why should we be penalised for upgrading?


Why should we have to pay $20 more per month to have a feature that we aleady have?

On top of this, why do we have to get a bundle?

I do not want the crappy modem that is provided nor do I want the phone line as I do not use it. 


Come on TPG, DON"T turn into a Telstra type ISP. You are by far the best I have ever used and I do not want to have to shop  elsewhere especially after being a long term customer for 15+ years.





Level 2


Just expressing my dislike for this idea. Looking for a thumbs down button on this comment, but couldn't find one.

I also had a fixed IP on my ADSL account, but after the "upgrade" it was no longer available.
