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Suspension of Service not available

Level 2
Like other customers who are traveling overseas or have other perfect valid reasons for wanting to temporarily suspend their TPG home internet service I was amazed and disappointed that TPG does not allow this.

When I was overseas recently for an extended period all I could do was drop to the lowest internet plan, meaning I was still paying $30+ a month for absolutely nothing.

Service suspension is an obvious option that should be provided. More than that it’s FAIR. By all means put limits on it, like the suspension period or how frequently it can be applied. But it must be provided in some form.

I have been a loyal TPG customer for over 15 years. However I am so annoyed by this I am seriously considering switching to another service provider.

The only other option I can think of is to raise this as a complaint with the Internet regulator or the ACCC on the grounds it represents an unreasonable feature of TPG’s service.

I’d be interested to hear the views of other TPG customers.