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'TPG' Phishing scam email

Level 3

Today's Phishing scam email - "[ Alert ]: Update required - Your service is about to be hold!"

contact link -'XXXXXX'

Not applicable

Hi @ddchalmers08 ,


Thanks for raising this to us, we did an article on how to handle a potential phishing/scam email and call.


Please see the link below.


How to Handle Scam Calls/ Emails .


You also have the option to report it here.

For spam calls you can unlist your number here.


Let me know how it will go and should you require further assistance.




@ddchalmers08 wrote:

Today's Phishing scam email - "[ Alert ]: Update required - Your service is about to be hold!"

contact link -'XXXXXX'


Level 3

Hello Shane,

Its interesting to note that 'designyan' is a real name of a website for engineers/whatever... well, its up you at TPG what you do with this... but tks for the links anyway... Smiley Embarassed

Level 3

I received the same one today.  From the email address


I feel like this should be looked at/taken a bit more seriously than linking to a post from two years ago...but, maybe that's just me.  


Hi @froxyn, our Security Team is already looking into this. Should you have further queries, feel free to message us. Thank you.

Level 3

I got one today too, through TPG Post Office.  TPG REALLY need to have a way to report these scams eg spoof@tpg or scam@tpg etc.  So we don't have to register on the Forum and write..... My guess is that all the people they have with @TPG in their database have got this message .... 1% might comply, 1% will then be scammed, their email compromised, their identity stolen and TPG will be blamed, and you'll lose customers.


It is not good enough to just say - report this to Scamwatch (I already do and they seem only to keep statistics, nothing proactive).  But what if you are one of the 1 to 10% who are not sure - who do they ask?  Where's the listing of "these are the scams going around - don't fall for this"? 

I got a call from a relative who has also got this message and was about to respond, but thought they had best ring me to see if my internet was also going to be cut off.  Despite the poor spelling, people will fall for it.  That's why I am waiting until TPG bring their email security up to the current standard and not leave the customer to assume all risk by recommending Security = NONE.

Level 2
Received the same scam email.

@TPG - please fix it and let your customers know.

Level 2

Been getting these for over a week now and got another today. I've already notified TPG.

Other aliases have been:


I'm also getting very similar ones from 'Netflix' and the Update button also links back to this domain. No doubt there will be other corporations these sneaky bastards will use.

Please keep your wits about you everyone.

Level 2

I have received a similar email. It comes from:

it has very poor English and grammar

this is the text of the email



 DearTPG Customer ,
 There are security updates on our servers, to ensure that the service will not be interrupted, you Need to update your details It's easily and safety. 

The details are:

Update Now
 Νote:If you do not update or ignore this message, We will temporarily disconnect Internet service Until You resolve this issue!
Level 2

Hi all:


I have got the same Phising email as well. I can understand TPG may not be able to filter out the bank's phishing scam but if TPG cannot stop the email that was send by scammer using TPG then I think the security may be a bit too relaxed.


TPG needs to proactively deal with hackers/phishers are now damaging the company reputation now.