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TPG email contractual obligation

Level 3

I am appalled by the treatment TPG is giving their customers including myself. I have been with TPG for over ten years now and this is the first time i have heard of an internet provider breaking its contract to their customers by relinqishing its right to provide an email service.

The reason most people join an internet provider is so they can have a permanent email address for either personnal or business reasons and for a large provider as TPG is, they have broken the trust to their customers and also broken their contracts with their customers.

The hand over to "The Messaging Company" must come with a substantial reduction in monthy account payments. The amount of email use equates to around 20 percent of the total account usage and hence the contract payments should be reduced by the same amount.

I personally will be asking to have my account payments reduced by 20 percent or moving to a provider that still believes in providing the total package and customer satisfaction.

TPG you may me big now but how big will you be without customers?

Good luck to all in the same boat, we will either sink or swim.
